Friday, February 23, 2007

One Man's Trash...

Gardening changes the way you look at the world. I'm not talking philosophically here, or spiritually, that’s a whole separate post. I mean becoming a gardener means you look at things, physical things, in this different, opportunistic way. You become this scavenger.

When my roommate yesterday cleaned out the crawl space under our house he dragged its contents to the side of the road to be disposed of.

I was aghast.

All this beautiful treasure: some sweet old seat-less rocking chair, fine wood planks to frame a raised garden bed, an empty plastic suitcase to start seeds in… just cast aside, forgotten.

I tried not to be too huffy as I dragged most of it away from the street and back behind the house.

I'm proudest of this gem:
Won’t it be just perfect with some Swiss chard filling up the center and nasturtiums flowing over the sides? It even has wheels! What a find!

Any ideas on what it actually might be?


Unknown said...

Ahhhh buried treasure! You could make the wooden bed frame into a real "bed of grass" to sit on! : D I wish I was there to help you "hoard"...har har!

I think that the mysterious wooden piece looks like it used to be a bar-b-que...with the now empty middle part being where the old grill used to sit, and the wooden sides where you would put your cooking tools, etc. I hope that's what it used to be at least!

xoxo- lauren

bedheadmaestro said...

Methinks it looks like one of those baby-warmers that they chuck newborns into right when they come out. No?